It is hard to be a Revere Ware fan and miss Ebay as probably the best place to get good quality vintage Revere Ware cookware these days to fill-out one’s collection or replaced a lost or damaged piece. Some time ago we created a site to categorize all the listings for Revere Ware on Ebay ( The number of revere ware listings on Ebay continues to grow, as evidenced by our tracking of the number of pieces available over the last two years.

(We had a small bug that kept us from recording numbers above 1,000, which is why the top of the graph is flat.)
Ebay seems to have made some recent changes that make it easier to find Revere Ware (and probably many other) items. First, when searching on “revere ware” Ebay now includes results from “revereware” (i.e. no space) as well. This is helpful as items are often listed in as one or the other but not both. Second, Ebay searches for keywords like “revere ware” now show up in Google results.